Booklets: Decimal
Showing all 13 results
SG SB 22 BOOKLET: 1927
Parliament House, Canberra. A complete booklet of 2 panes of 8 stamps. In superior condition....$175.00 -
BOOKLET SG SB 39: 1966
60¢ QEII, Helecon Ink. "Use postal orders…" slogan. Edition DV8. Very fine mint unhinged.$90.00 -
60¢ QEII Helecon ink "Post your Parcels…" slogan, Edition DV8. Very fine, mint unhinged.$90.00 -
SG SB 39: 1966
60¢ BOOKLET set of 6 different slogans. Each booklet contains two panes of 5 x...$525.00 -
BOOKLET SG SB41ab: 1967
$1 NORMAL COVER with wax interleaves. "Post your Parcels…" slogan. Very fine.$125.00 -
BOOKLET SG SB43a: 1967
$1 QEII 5c blue with wax interleaves. Very fine, mint unhinged.$125.00 -
SG SB78a/ACSC 1565ba:
THREATENED SPECIES booklet, 1 koala reprint. MISPLACED DIE CUTS 4mm downward resulting in "AUSTRALIA 45c"...$775.00 -
SG 385a: 1966
Set of 6 booklet pane tabs, each being a different slogan. Very fine, mint lightly...$60.00 -
SG 385a: 1966 4c QEII
Set of 6 different booklet pane TABS. Very fine, mint unhinged.$60.00 -
SG 385a: 1966
QEII 4d red booklet panes, set of 6 different slogans, each printed in HELECON INK....$140.00 -
SG 1319a(var)/ACSC 1573cc:
1992 WETLANDS booklet with PANE REVERSED (wide selvedge opposite 45¢ stamp instead of the 20¢,...$375.00 -
SG 1319a(var): 1992
Wetlands booklet with pane adhered to booklet cover on printed side of pane (there is...$95.00 -
SG 1756: 1968
45¢ Greetings IMPERFORATE PAIR from self-adhesive booklet. Mint unhinged.$195.00